
CATS ARE COOL their TOYS SHOULD BE. Cats and their humans deserve better. Better Action & Interaction. Better Design + Durability means better time spent with feline friends.

My Cats and I got over dangling whip like wands and wanted more. Together we came up Bungee Ultra Toys. We believe it is best (and infinitely more fun) not to dis kitty’s abilities and inner wild kitty with telegraphed predictable lameness or cheesy quality. Better to experience kitties keen instinct while respecting their abilities... and both's need for fun. 


Fred and Bob

Fred and Bob

Bob enjoyed kibble poured on his head and rubber snakes cast and reeled across the grass w/an old fishing pole - Fred preferred fake bird or mice. Fred, a fan of corks, walks, corn on the cob and kicking back but always ready for wild kitty action–S.F. SPCA -Manx mix. Bob looked black but proper light he turned red though under those colored tips he was all white–Marin Humane Society-Stray.

FRANKO and Zkitty - R&D testing(materials, action, durability), QC, stunt demos. 

FRANKO and Zkitty - R&D testing(materials, action, durability), QC, stunt demos. 

SAMeow - BungeeBird Specialist.

SAMeow - BungeeBird Specialist.